About Me

My photo
A crafty mom of two littles with dreams of having an awesome backyard and maybe making some art too.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

One World Comics

Lately I have been helping out an up and coming comic company design characters and logos for their stories.

You can find more info on the team and the latest news regarding One World Comics on Facebook


Friday, May 9, 2014

demo stuff

My Animation Demo Reel!

My Video Game Animation Demo Reel!

Enjoy everybody! :)

Friday, May 2, 2014

493 Week 15

This is our last week before dead week, and then finals, so I guess this is our last official day for posting updates for this class. I spent a lot of time animating the male character and the sack he's carrying. I accidentally deleted one of the constraints I made halfway through though so I had to copy the animation from the male character to an older file. This is why you save back up files! It saved me a lot of grief, but it took me a long time to find an easy way to do this, here's the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H2xAa8HiSg&feature=youtu.be

for those of you this might happen to.

I fixed some of the animation on the female character per the advice of another classmate and Prof. Pullyblank. I still feel like there's a lot of cleanup to do but all in all I'd say this was a productive semester and I'm happy with the outcome. :)

Friday, April 25, 2014

493 Week 14

I went through and cleaned up some of the animation on the female character, added a little swoop to her hips where she stops and widened her legs for better balance. Along with that I shot some reference for the male character so I can start really animating him now. I unfortunately didn't have a big flower sack I could use so I had to improvise with my backpack.

Friday, April 18, 2014

493 Week 13

So I finally got the constraints where they need to be. It took some trial and error though. The ears of the sack are both constrained to the respective hands holding on to them, and though I initially had the bottom of the sack constrained to his hips, I realized as soon as I moved his shoulders the sack stayed where it was, I had to delete the locator for the hips and create one for the thingy that controls the top portion of his body. Once I did that everything moved the way I wanted it to, with the exception of the little feet on the sack... After all that frustration I think I'll save the feet for another day.

Here's how the blocking looks now that there's a sack constrained to the male character and he's posed a little, hah!

Friday, April 11, 2014

493 Week 12

I've spent some time trying to figure out constraints so I can animate the male character carrying a sack, I'm still having some issues with it though because I constrained things backwards according to what the video says to do. In the video Mark suggested, one must constrain the hands to the object, and for what I want to do I need the object to constrain to the hands instead. I realized this after I had finished all of the work already, and now I am thoroughly annoyed that I didn't notice the difference from the start. Now that I have some idea what I'm doing, I'm going to start all over again...

here's a link to the video I was using.